Monday, October 31, 2011

If Tiger Woods was retarded...

If Tiger Woods was retarded... On YouTube.

He'd probably look like one of us. : ) This is another episode featuring my cousin Greg. We wanted to golf and went to Diamond Oaks Golf Course on a beautiful day in Roseville, CA. Neither one of us had picked up a golf club in over a year so it was definitely an interesting experience. Does my cousin not resemble former NBA player Scot Pollard? Check out the link.

Keywords: Kevin, Greg, Sparks, vlog, golf, Tiger, Woods, PGA, amateur, suck, fail, shank, commentary, fore, iron, drive, driver, Phil, Mickelson, water, Roseville, California, Diamond, Oaks, Course, Super, Twilight, John, Daly, ladies, clubs, tee, green, man, vs, wild, survivorman, cart, owned, crazy, cousin, slice, trees, rough, fairway, hybrid, Arnold, Palmer, Jack, Nicklaus, Panasonic, HDC-SD9, footage, high, definition, camera, adobe, premiere, elements, Bear, Grylls, Les, Stroud, hole, in, one, not!, how, to, not, hit, ball, titleist, Charles, Barkley

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

How Tiger Woods Grips the Golf Club and How to Grip the Golf Club to Meet Your Needs

How Tiger Woods Grips the Golf Club and How to Grip the Golf Club to Meet Your Needs

Golf Clubs

How to Grip the Golf Club like Tiger Woods.

First we need to establish some reference points on your hands so that you can easily place your hands in the correct position for each grip style that will be described. Although this article will give instruction as if you're a right handed golfer, if you are a Lefty, then use the instruction in the same manner just reversing the hands (Right instead of Left etc.) An easy way to apply this golf grip exercise will be for you to use a marker to draw reference points on your hands and/or a golf glove(s).

Grip Reference Points

The reference points listed below have abbreviated identifiers marked in parenthesis that will be used to identify them throughout the remainder of this golf instruction guide.

Left Hand Marks

"(AS)" Anatomical Snuffbox - If you hold your hand in front of you with your fingers pointing away from you and your palm facing down, the "Snuffbox" (Actual Anatomical Name) is located on the right side of your wrist at the "base" where the wrist hinges. Continue pointing your fingers away from you and turn your hand counter clockwise pointing your thumb straight up. Flex your wrist so that your hand moves up and down vertically. While doing that, place the tip of the index finger of your Right hand on the "top" of your Left wrist. While your Left hand is flexed vertically upward, you will be able to feel two tendons on top of your Left wrist. In between those two tendons it feels like there is a "pocket. That "pocket" is your "Snuffbox." Draw a small ¼ inch "X" on top of the "pocket." "(BK)" Dots on your Big Knuckles - Make a fist with your Left hand putting the big knuckles that are located at the base of your fingers on "top" of your fist, palm facing down, and draw a ¼ inch size dot on the "top" of each of your first 3 knuckles. "(BIF)" Dot at the base of Index Finger - Looking at your palm, draw a ¼ inch dot at the base of your index finger in the center of the finger on top of the crease or fold in the skin. "(D)" D on the Callas Pad at the base of your pinky - With your palm facing you, draw a letter "D" (Short for Distance) atop the Callas at the base of your Pinky finger. "(N)" N on the Right side of your palm - With your palm facing you and your fingers pointing straight up, visualize a horizontal line in the middle of your palm. Now draw a letter "N" (short for Neutral) on the right side of your palm on the horizontal line you just visualized. The "N" will be located just below the "D" that you just marked. "(C)" C on the Heel Pad - With your palm facing you and your fingers pointing straight up, visualize a vertical line running through the "D" and "N" that you just marked. Draw a letter "C" (Short for Control) on top of the Heel Pad. The letter C should be about 1-1.5 inches below the N that you marked. "(TRS)" Line on the top right side of thumb - Point your thumb away from you with the thumbnail on top. Visualize the top center of your thumb, splitting your thumbnail in two equal halves. Focusing on the "right half", now visualize the center of that half and mark it down the center by drawing a line from the first to second knuckles. This is the top-right side of your thumb. "(LV)" V between thumb and forefinger - With your palm facing away from you and your fingers pointing up, hold your thumb against your index finger. A "V" is formed between the top of your thumb and index finger.
Right Hand Marks

"(BP)" Dot at the base of your Pinky - Looking at your palm, draw a ¼ inch dot at the base of your pinky finger in the center of the finger on top of the crease or fold in the skin. "(MIF)" Dot on the middle knuckle of the index finger - Looking at your palm, draw a ¼ inch dot in the middle of your index finger over the middle (2nd) knuckle where the crease is in the skin. "(LL)" The Lifeline - With your palm facing you and your fingers pointing up, mark the lifeline in the palm of your hand. It's the line at the base of your thumb pad that runs from the bottom of your palm up and in-between your thumb and forefinger toward the top right side of your palm. "(RV)" V between thumb and forefinger - With your palm facing away from you and your fingers pointing upward, hold your thumb against your index finger. A "V" is formed between the top of your thumb and index finger. "?" and "(RV)" support the golf club - Hold your hand in front of you with your fingers pointing straight up, the palm facing left and your thumb facing you. Fold all 4 fingers over at the second knuckle. Tilt your index finger to the right so that it leans backward and notice that your index finger should now look like a question mark (?). Your question mark (?) shaped index finger and the "V" shape between your thumb and index finger (RV) are what supports the golf club at the top of your golf swing.
A Few Rules

The palms on both hands "Always" face each other - The correct placement of your Right hand on the grip is determined after first placing the Left hand on the grip to ensure the correct positional relationship between both hands. If you hold your hands out in front of you with your fingers outstretched and your thumbs pointing up and press your hands together with the palms facing each other and then rotate your hands clockwise, and counterclockwise, that "relationship" between both hands maximizes your wrists ability to "cock" and "un-cock" during the golf swing and maximize the potential for club head speed. No matter whether your Left hand uses a strong grip or weak golf grip, your Right hand always mirrors what your Left hand is doing so that the palms face each other. One alternative to this rule is taught by some instructors. I've seen this grip style called a butterfly grip. Place your palms together in front of you. Leave your thumbs together and separate your hands at the bottom until your hands form a right angle or a 90 degree angle. While maintaining the angle of your hands place the lifeline of your right hand on top of your left thumb. Use this relationship when you place the right hand in "Step Two: The Right Hand Grip" later in this article. Each hand's thumb and forefinger are "Always" held together creating a "V" as mentioned previously in the "Grip Reference Points" section. The Right hand "Always" uses a finger grip with the golf shaft lying across the fingers always at the same angle.
Left Hand Grip Variables

Three Grip Angles

The Grip angle is the angle at which the golf shaft runs across the palm and/or fingers of your left hand.

The "Distance" Grip. - This is the one that Tiger Woods uses. Tiger says it gives him the best combination of sensitivity and control.


Maximizes wrists ability to "cock" and "un-cock" for maximum club head speed. Good for distance and sensitivity.Disadvantages

Requires more strength and skill to square the club face at impact.A distance grip is achieved by gripping the golf shaft in the hand at an angle that runs from the base of the index finger (BIF) across the base of the fingers to the top of the callus that is located at the base of the pinky finger (D). After wrapping the fingers around the club, most of the gripping strength will be felt in the fingers with "some" pressure on the bottom of your heel pad. The thumb is placed against the index finger (LV).

The "Neutral" Grip. - Good grip for most people.


Gives the most flexibility in terms of shot-making ability.  Balance between distance and accuracy.Disadvantages

None.A neutral grip is achieved by gripping the golf shaft in the hand at an angle that runs from the base of the index finger (BIF) across the palm to the (N) marking. Wrap the fingers around the club. The gripping strength will be felt between the fingers and firmly against the bottom of your heel pad. The thumb is placed against the index finger (LV).

The "Control" Grip.


Gives maximum control for accuracy.Disadvantages

Minimizes wrists ability to "cock" and "un-cock" resulting in less distance.A Control grip is achieved by gripping the golf shaft in the hand at an angle that runs from the base of the index finger (BIF) across the palm to the (C) marking. Wrap the fingers around the club. The gripping strength will be felt between the fingers, the palm and the top of the heel pad. The thumb is placed against the index finger (LV).

Three Grip Strengths

The "Strength" of the grip is determined by the position of your hand on the grip in comparison to the relative position of the clubface as you rotate your hand around the grip to the left or the right. The reference point used to determine the correct rotational position of the hand on the grip is the anatomical snuffbox (AS). To view the "Strength" of the grip using the (AS), setup to a golf ball as if you are going to hit it with the clubface pointing squarely at the target. Grip the club with your Left hand and look down at the top of your Left hand and determine whether the (AS) is over the top of the club shaft (neutral) or on the left side (weak) or right side of the shaft (strong). The following descriptions will include what the particular "Strength" being described looks like.

The "Weak" Grip.


Helps eliminate hooking the golf ball.Disadvantages

Very difficult to hit the ball right to left.Looking down at the top of your hand, with the clubface pointing squarely toward the target, the anatomical snuffbox (AS) is just off to left side of the grip. Your thumb will be on top of the club shaft and your "V" (LV) points toward your chin and you can see 1 - 1.5 knuckles (BK).

The "Neutral" Grip. - This is the one that Tiger Woods uses. It's a good grip for most people.


Ideal grip for hitting the golf ball left to right or right to left.Disadvantages

Requires more strength to release the club squarely at impact.Looking down at the top of your hand, with the clubface pointing squarely toward the target, the anatomical snuffbox (AS) is directly over the top of the grip. Your "V" (LV) points toward your right ear and you can see 2 - 2.5 knuckles (BK). Tiger Woods sees 2.5 knuckles (BK).

The "Strong" Grip.


Helps eliminate slicing the golf ball. Good for getting more distance. Good amateur grip as it requires less strength to square the clubface at impact.Disadvantages

Difficult to hit left to right.Looking down at the top of your hand, with the clubface pointing squarely toward the target, the anatomical snuffbox (AS) is on the right side of the grip. Your "V" (LV) points toward your right shoulder and you can see 3 knuckles (BK).

Three Unifying Grips

These Grips describe how to unify and snug your hands together so that your hands function as a single unit. Note: When placing your hands together, don't try to smash them together to make them tighter because that looses valuable leverage. Just make them feel unified and snuggly fit together.

The "10 Finger Grip." - This Grip places all 8 fingers on the golf shaft.


Good leverage. Good alternative for kids and women.Disadvantages

Less Club head speed especially if the hands are allowed to spread out down the grip and not be snuggly against each other.
A 10 finger grip is achieved by gripping the golf shaft with all of the fingers on the shaft. The outside of your Right hand pinky finger is pressed against the outside of your Left hand index finger.

The "Overlap Grip." - This is considered by many pros as the preferred method of unifying the hands.


Good for larger handsDisadvantages

On people with small hands, the Right hand can tend to slip too far over or too far under the club in an effort to feel snug and fitted.An overlap grip is achieved by placing all of the hands on the shaft and lifting the pinky of the Right hand off the grip and pointing that finger straight out and then sliding the Right hand toward the Left hand until the third finger on the right hand is placed snuggly against the index finger of the Left hand. Now lay the Right hand pinky finger down over the notch that is formed between the Left hands index finger and second finger.

The "Interlock Grip." - This is the grip that Tiger Woods likes. Tiger started using it because his idol Jack Nicklaus used it.


Good for smaller hand Disadvantages

There is a tendency to grip the club too much in the palm of the Right hand.An interlock grip is achieved by placing all of the hands on the shaft and lifting the pinky of the Right hand off the grip and pointing that finger straight out and then sliding the Right hand toward the Left hand until the third finger on the right hand is placed snuggly against the index finger of the Left hand. Now raise the index finger of the Left hand off the grip and point it straight out and interlock the Left hand index finger and Right hand pinky finger by laying the Right hand pinky finger down in the crotch between the Left hands index finger and second finger and laying the Left hands index finger down in the crotch between the Right hands pinky finger and third finger.

Maintaining stability throughout the swing

The correct placement of the Left hand down the grip is obtained by allowing ½ inch of the grip to extend out or protrude out beyond the bottom of your hand. If you were gripping the club in both hands, you should be able to see ½ inch of the end of the club shaft grip protruding to ensure that you have the maximum stability of the golf club in your hands throughout the swing. Doing this does not cause you to lose any distance.

Making a complete Grip

Step One: The Left Hand Grip

Square the clubface to the target line. Grip the club ½ inch down from the top of the shaft on the "grip angle" you have chosen; "distance", "neutral", or "control". The thumb and forefinger are placed together forming the "V" (LV). With the club head resting on the ground and the clubface still square to the target, look down at the top of your Left hand and rotate your Left hand around the club, counterclockwise to the left or clockwise to the right to the appropriate Left hand "grip strength" that you have chosen using your reference marks to verify the correct position as "weak", "neutral" or "strong".
Step Two: The Right Hand Grip

With the golf club still on the ground in your Left hand, the easiest way to visualize how to get the Right hand on the golf grip is by grabbing the golf grip just like you were shaking hands with someone. With your Right hands palm approximately facing your left hands palm, place your Right hands fingers on the grip at an angle from the dot at the base of your pinky (BP) to the dot in the middle of your index finger (MIF). Place the Lifeline (LL) on the top right side of your Left thumb (TRS). Wrap your fingers around the grip. Keep your thumb and forefinger together forming the "V" (RV) and form the question mark (?) with your index finger. The tip of your thumb and index finger on your Right hand will touch or nearly touch. There will probably be a gap between your index finger and the second finger of your Right hand on the grip because of you forming the question mark (?) with your index finger.
Step Three: Unify your Hands

Unify your hands using one of the "Unifying Grips." Your hands should fit together comfortably and snuggly.

Grip Pressure and Feel

The golf grip should feel snug and unified in your hands, if it doesn't then un-grip and re-grip making small adjustments if necessary. You should maintain a consistent unchanging grip pressure throughout the entire golf swing. Grip the club as loosely as you can while still maintaining control of the golf club throughout the entire swing.

Regular Practice

After you've determined which grip combination you intend to use regularly, practice it until its memorized and use the grip reference points to ensure you place your hands correctly every single time.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nike Dymo2 Driver & Nike Victory Red Full Cavity Irons

Nike Dymo2 Driver & Nike Victory Red Full Cavity Irons Video Clips.

I've been wanting a set of Nike Golf clubs for a couple of years now having played with the Slingshot and Sumo clubs in the states a few times but couldn't afford them until now (thanks to the global recession). I got mine at Irons: Nike Victory Red Full Cavity Steel (regular flex) Driver: Nike Dymo2 9.5 Driver (regular flex)

Tags: golf, nike, victory, red, dymo, dymo2, ireland, piltown, driving, range, tiger, woods, review

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Golf Tips Equipment Flash: TaylorMade R9 Irons

Golf Tips Equipment Flash: TaylorMade R9 Irons Video Clips.

A quick look at the new TaylorMade R9 Irons with Harry Arnett from TaylorMade Golf. Don't forget to check out all the equipment videos at

Keywords: taylormade, golf, irons, equipment, golf tips, r9, clubs, balls, review, tp

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Golf Clubs on eBay - 3 Tips on How to Buy Golf Clubs and Not Get Ripped Off

Golf Clubs on eBay - 3 Tips on How to Buy Golf Clubs and Not Get Ripped Off

Golf Clubs

Being able to buy golf clubs on eBay is a tremendous way to obtain quality golf clubs at a small fraction of their retail price. Unfortunately, you need to be on the lookout for scam artists who are selling fake golf clubs.

Purchase clubs from sellers

Purchase clubs from sellers with high eBay seller ratings, and from those who have been involved in numerous transactions. If a seller has sold very few items and is selling expensive golf clubs at ridiculous prices, avoid them. There is a good chance that they are selling you counterfeit clubs.

Check out the images

Check out the images of the item you are considering purchasing. If the images are what would find on the website of a manufacturer, you do not know if the clubs are real. By not seeing the golf clubs that you would be buying, the odds increase that the clubs that you would be buying would be counterfeit.

Ask the seller to send you more images. A real seller would have no problem doing this. Ask the seller for serial numbers of the clubs. Several manufacturers; put serial numbers on their irons. Avoid sellers who will not give you the serial numbers.

Does the seller offer any buyer protection?

Counterfeiters will likely not offer any PayPal Buyer Protection. If they do offer protection, it may be for less protection than the purchase price. They may only offer worth of protection for golf clubs that they may be selling for over 0. The seller would sell the counterfeit clubs for 0, and if the buyer files for a refund, they buyer may only get . The seller would still be 0 ahead.

Try to be as informed of a buyer as you can be. Informed buyers are less likely to become counterfeit club scam victims. If you find a seller that you suspect may be suspicious, tell eBay immediately. Counterfeit sellers hurt everyone in the eBay community. Keep eBay safe for everyone.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights

Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights

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Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights

Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights
Get the latest in lighting for your cart. The Madjax Light Kit for Club Car Precedent Electric Model features crystal clear lens and sleek Euro-style design. Brand new to the market. Kits include headlight, taillights, wiring harness and installation instructions. Note: 2008.5-Current require rear bucket harness. Gas Models require gas conversion harness.

Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights

  • Sleek Euro Style Design
  • Crystal Clear Lens
  • Rear LED Glow Lights
  • Easy Plug and Play installation

Golf Cart Euro Light Kit Club Car Precedent Headlight & Tail lights

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 27, 2011 21:24:59 ***

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011



He was known to break clubs during rounds, and his penchant for throwing clubs led to the adoption of a rule prohibiting such behavior. In his later years, he admitted that a lot of his on-course eruptions were merely showmanship and that he felt they had detracted from his playing.

Keywords: golf, golf legends, ben hogan, hogan's secret

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Junior Series Small Set

Junior Series Small Set

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Junior Series Small Set

Junior Series Small Set
Each Junior club features similar technology found in our standard equipment; each set configuration has been modified to help fit the junior golfer into the most suitable head weights and lengths for his or her age and weight.

Junior Series Small Set

  • 325cc Forged Driver:  ? This light weight Launcher Driver features a large effective hitting area for outstanding forgiveness and longer drives.
  • Stainless Steel Irons:  The Launcher irons feature a cavity back design, providing amazing feel and performance. The oversized face and wide sole allows great forgiveness to help enhance confidence.
  • Putter:  This simple T alignment system makes it easier to line up puts which means more puts made.

Junior Series Small Set
Junior Series Club Sets from Cleveland Golf offer young golfers similar technology to standard adult equipment modified with the most suitable head weights and lengths for children's reduced age and height. Coming complete with a 325cc forged driver, a stainless steel launcher iron, and a T-alignment putter sized specifically for children from 3 to 5 years old and from 36 to 46 inches tall, the Junior Series Small Set provides everything a young golfer needs to play the course. Set up with lightweight composite shafts to reduce the overall weight, the Junior Series clubs are equipped to deliver distance and accuracy for the smallest golfers. The Junior Series Small Set comes with a lightweight stand bag with a dual carry strap and bracing stand legs.

Junior Series Driver:

  • This lightweight Launcher Driver features a large effective hitting area for outstanding forgiveness and longer drives.
  • Loft: 15 degrees
  • Length: 31 inches

Junior Series 7/8 Iron:

  • The Launcher Irons feature a cavity back design, providing amazing feel and performance. The oversized face and wide sole allows great forgiveness to help enhance confidence.
  • Loft: 37.5 degrees
  • Length: 27 inches

Junior Series Putter (mallet):

  • This mallet putter has a simple T alignment system that allows for easier line-up, which means more putts made.
  • Loft: 3.5 degrees
  • Length: 25.5 inches

Shaft Specifications:

  • Brand: Cleveland Golf
  • Model: Junior Series Composite
  • Flex: Junior
  • Flex Point: Low

What's in the Box?
Junior Series Driver, Junior Series 7/8 Iron, Junior Series Putter, lightweight stand bag

  • Junior Series Small Set

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 26, 2011 02:10:42 ***

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  • Monday, October 24, 2011

    7 Tips For Proper Golf Alignment

    7 Tips For Proper Golf Alignment

    Golf Clubs

    Alignment is essential in the game of golf. If you are highly misaligned, chances are, the golf ball will not go where you intend it. Golf novices usually commit this common error of swinging out of alignment.

    But as in any defect, golf or otherwise, there's always something to do to correct it. To properly improve your golf putting alignment, here are some good tips to follow:

    1. Position yourself about ten feet behind the ball. This is your first step to achieve the right alignment. You have to stand directly behind the ball. Make sure that you keep it between you and your target. And then, hold your club at the grips.

    2. Now select a mark on the ground that is about three feet from the ball in line with the hole or the target. Memorize that spot because you are going to use it as a reference to address the ball and to aim your clubface later on.

    3. Walk up to the ball. Go right where the ball is, still with regard to the mark on the ground that you designated. Do not lose focus on your designated mark even as you move. Stand parallel to the target line. Keep your feet together and put your aim on the ball. Formulate how you are to drive it into the hole.

    4. Address the ball. Keep your body lean and square on your designated target line. Position your feet in accordance to the club, which you intend to use for the shot. The main idea here is to make sure that the lines corresponding to the tips of your toes, your knees, your hips, and your shoulders should all be in parallel to the target line.

    5. Put the club behind the golf ball. You are now ready to make the shot. This time, you are to make sure that the club lies squarely in front of the ball. Your proper alignment, coupled with good swing fundamentals, should be enough to make the ball go straight into the hole with every shot.

    6. Keep on practicing to master the alignment rules. If you can't do it this way, try to put a golf club on the ground and do everything from the start. Put the club about five yards to the right of the target. That is, if you are left-handed. It's going to be five yards to the left if you are right-handed. Stand behind the club and line up your toes in parallel with it. Keep practicing for around 20 shots at a time. Then if you are confident enough, try it again without the clubs. See if you can do it on your own, without the guides.

    7. If you still can't do it, try it with two clubs. Instead of just putting one club against your feet, put another near the golf ball. That way, you can also compare if the target line you focused on is really in line with the ball and the target. And so you'll be able to train not only your body but your sight as well.

    With all these, you should be able to make the necessary adjustments to your golf game alignment. You are surely going to improve your game. If you do so successfully, you can beat most of your friend in a good game.

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    Sunday, October 23, 2011

    Golf Tips : Golf Tips for Hitting Irons With No Offset

    Golf Tips : Golf Tips for Hitting Irons With No Offset On YouTube.

    In golf, an offset refers to the club head being slightly behind the shaft when the shaft is straight, and this naturally encourages the golfer to have the bottom of his swing on the target side of the ball. Learn about starting with the hands in front of the ball with a golf club that has no offset with help from a member of the PGA National Teaching Committee in this free video on hitting irons. Expert: Jay Golden Contact: Bio: Jay Golden has been a PGA Member since 1982, and was selected for the PGA National Teaching Committee in 1988. Filmmaker: Suzie Vigon

    Tags: golf, tips, golfing, improve, swing, clubs, slices, wedges, balls, scorecards, equipment, instruction

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    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)

    Rate This Product :

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)
    The Affinity MDT Driver is Draw Bias 1 wood that helps alleviate the dreaded slice and comes in both right and left hand versions.

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)

    • Men's wood forged from high strain titanium with ten-degree loft and one-degree hook face
    • Head designed with trajectory control technology
    • Adilla Extreme Distance Hi Modulus intermediate graphite shaft
    • Black wrap style grip
    • Matching head cover included

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)
    The Men's Intech MDT 460cc 10-Degree Loft One Wood is forged from high strain titanium, has a 10-degree loft and a one-degree hook face. Its head, which has a graphite look, is designed using trajectory control technology. This driver features an Adilla Extreme Distance Hi Modulus intermediate graphite shaft. The wrap style grip is black in color. A matching head cover is included.

    Intech MDT 460cc 10* Loft 1 Wood Men's, (Right-Handed, Adilla Graphite Shaft, with Headcover)

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 23, 2011 15:25:07 ***

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    Saturday, October 22, 2011

    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood

    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood

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    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood

    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood
    The new Caldwell Golf ceramic is truly an amazing piece of design. By using NASA based ceramic technology, this 230 cc fairway wood is a great club for using off the tee, or from the fairway, or the heavy rough. The ceramic material has a much less drag co-efficient than most Titanium designed product.

    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood

    • "NASA" based Ceramic Technology.The MalibuWoody features NASA based ceramic patented technology for better "workability and feedback" than most metal drivers and fairway woods without sacrificing distance.
    • The 290 cc smaller head also allows more consistent ball striking with the max MOI.

    Feel Golf White Pearl 5 Wood

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 22, 2011 17:35:21 ***

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    Friday, October 21, 2011

    How to Compare Golf Irons

    How to Compare Golf Irons

    Golf Clubs

    Golf irons are some of the most important clubs you will ever use in the game of golf. Just like each golfer is unique, each golfer has a unique need in clubs, irons included. No one else can tell you how to get the best irons for you unless they are a professional in fitting golf clubs. Instead, you just need to compare different golf irons to help you choose the best for your needs, grip and style of play. No matter what style of player you are, there is a set of irons that is right for you. They make up about 8 to 9 of the clubs in the average golf bag so it pays to know how to compare them and choose the right one.

    Step 1: Learn the difference in the two basic types of golf irons; forged irons and cast irons. Forged irons are worked like a blacksmith would have made in the past by heating the metal and hammering it into shape. It is then finished with a process of milling, drilling and grinding to get the right shape in the club head. Cast irons are made by pouring the liquefied metal into a mould in the shape that you want the iron to take. Cast iron is cheaper than forged irons due to the methods of making them.

    Step 2: Learn the functions of the different golf irons. Different irons are used for a different variety of shots. You will need different types of irons for different shots such as the long green shots, on the green shots or that behind-the-tree shot.

    Step 3: Learn to choose the iron length based on your height. There are golf iron comparison charts [Reference 1: Golf Club Comparisons] that will help you know the proper lengths of your clubs. You can also go to a professional for a free fitting and they will give you complete stats on what size clubs you need, including your irons.

    Step 4: Choose golf irons based on your handicap. A low handicap golfer will benefit the most from lower irons in the bag such as the 3 and 4. A mid handicap golfer will benefit the most from irons 3 through 9. A high handicap golfer will usually shoot close to or over 100 and may be used to playing with only woods and wedges. Irons don't need to be introduced until the handicap is improved from mastering the woods and wedges.

    Step 5: Learn about the head of the golf iron. They come in three basic sizes: standard, midsize and oversized. Standard gives the advanced player more control. Midsize iron heads offer more of "sweet spot" than standard clubs. Oversized clubs are more forgiving but harder for a more experienced player to control.

    Step 6: Consider the shaft when choosing your golf irons. The two types available are the graphite and the steel shaft. Steel shafts are heavier and more durable but stiffer which can limit your control in the swing. Graphite golf irons have more flex. There are five different flexes available on the market and you will choose according to your swing speed and handicap.

    Tips: The yardage gap between irons is typically around 10-15 feet. For example, the 5 iron should hit about 10-15 feet farther than the 4 iron.

    Warnings: Don't fall into the trap of buying the newest, hottest thing on the market if it contradicts what is best for your playing style and other factors as outlined in the steps above.

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    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Golf Tip: Increase Club Head Speed; Chuck Cook

    Golf Tip: Increase Club Head Speed; Chuck Cook Video Clips.

    Create torque between your torso and waist to unwind your body faster and increase club head speed Chuck Cook: Listed as one of Golf Magazine's Top 100 Teachers Golf Digest's (#9 instructor in the world; 1996 PGA of America Teacher of the Year; Instructor to four US Open Champions (Payne Stewart, Tom Kite and Corey Pavin)

    Tags: Golf, Tip, Chuck, Cook, Power, Longer, Shoulder, Turn, Drills, Upper, Body, Hips, Clubhead, Speed, Rotation

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    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Personalized Golf Bags - Golf Accessories

    Personalized Golf Bags - Golf Accessories

    Golf Clubs

    Personalized golf bags are a great gift to give to yourself or to the golf enthusiast in your life. Do not think you can only give this gift to people who already play golf. Investing in a personalized golf bag could be just what someone needs to kick start a new hobby. If you are looking to start a new routine or are looking for a way to spend time with a family member or loved one, consider investing in a nice golf bag with the person's name, initials or even a little saying etched into it.

    A nice golf bag is a great way to motivate a person into playing their very best and to get them out of the house and onto the field. There are tons of personalized golf bags from which to choose one for your loved one. If you consider all of your options, know your budget, and know the person for whom you are buying, you can end up with a truly personal bag to take out on the course.

    Golf stands or carry bags are lighter in weight than other bags, but they have limited features (i.e. components, pockets, etc.). These are a great bag to invest in if you or the person for whom you are buying has an interest in playing golf but has never tried it before. The stand is a nice component because it helps the bag to stand on its own (i.e. no one will have to hold it and the owner will not have to bend down to use it). These bags come in materials like nylon or even plastic and can be personalized with silk screening and embroidery.

    A gold cart bag is one of the most commonly seen and used today. It's a bit smaller than a staff bag but larger than a carry bag. They are especially great for cart use. These kinds of bags generally have a strap that will help hold them onto the cart, and they also feature club dividers that will protect clubs from getting worn from hitting against one another. These bags are usually made out of heavier material, and this makes for an even better personalized golf bags because they are sure to last longer.

    Lastly, there is the staff bag. These are among the priciest and largest bags you can invest in and they are designed for people who are serious about golf. These bags can hold everything from clubs to a full change of clothing in them, as well as much, much more.

    Once you have chosen the kind of bag you want to buy, you then need to consider the look of your personalization. Consider everything from how large you want the personalization to be to the type of font and color. You want to consider where on the bag you want the name, initials, or message to be.

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    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    How Golf Club Comparisons Can Help You Find The Best Equipment

    How Golf Club Comparisons Can Help You Find The Best Equipment

    Golf Clubs

    Do you want to know how to get the best fitting golf equipment? Golf club comparisons are the answer. You will have to try some different types of equipment to find your perfect match.

    It's these golf club comparisons that are essential to getting you fitted with the proper gear. Look below to get some great tips for comparing and testing different golf clubs.

    1. Look around at your local golf store, driving range or golf course and find a few sets or clubs that are within your budget and price range. Don't be afraid to compare prices.

    2. Make sure you like the exterior look of the golf clubs. Check the color, design, and overall aesthetics of the club. It's very important for your comfort level.

    3. At the store or pro shop compare the way some different clubs look and feel in the address position. Set the clubs on the ground and get set up like you are going to hit a shot. Look down the shaft and make sure the club is sitting in a good position that you are comfortable with. You are also looking to see if the shaft is ahead of the ball(also known as offset), if the club sits flat on the ground, is it fat, thin, big, small etc. You must check for all these features with every club.

    4. Find an area where you can swing the clubs freely (driving net or outside). You are going to check the weight of the clubs. Swing the different clubs to see if the club is heavy or light. Also try to feel if the weight is in the head or shaft of the club. This will have an affect on your swing speed.

    5. Now you are going to hit some shots outside. You want to check the way the ball flies off the club face. Is it high and floating, low and penetrating, hooking left, or slicing right? Find a ball flight you like because every club is different. Also what feeling do you get from each club? Is it nice or does it hurt your hand?

    After doing these golf club comparisons and trying all these different tips and helpful ideas you should be able to narrow it down to the club or set of clubs you like the best.

    If you still can't make up your mind, try playing with the clubs for a round of golf to help you make that final decision. Good luck and enjoy doing your golf club comparisons!

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    Golf Club Construction - The Irons

    Golf Club Construction - The Irons

    Golf Clubs

    How the golf club is constructed can affect the distance the golf ball will travel and how accurate the trajectory of the ball is.

    For the person new to golf, accuracy is far more important than distance. If you choose clubs that give you greater distance, but cannot control the direction the ball will travel, then that extra gain of distance is completely pointless.

    As you improve your skill, you will gain distance due to improvements in your style of play, and understanding how the equipment works for you.

    The sweet spot

    Irons are constructed in two ways, either cast or forged. The cast irons are more forgiving of errors when hitting the ball, and therefore are ideal for the novice player. The reason for this is due to the size of what is known as the sweet spot. The sweet spot is the area on the golf club's face where you are supposed to make contact with the golf ball. This sweet spot is larger on cast irons than on forged irons, thus better for the beginner.

    Forged iron clubs, though less forgiving of errors, allow for greater accuracy, and therefore best for the seasoned golfer.

    Bigger is not always better

    Although having a club with a bigger head, thus a greater sweet spot, will benefit the novice golfer by allowing for not so perfect swings, they will also lead to less control of the trajectory of the ball if not hit perfectly. The way to solve this would be to use medium sized heads rather than large headed irons, which will still have a good sized sweet spot, thus still forgiving of errors made during the swing, but will also allow for greater accuracy.

    Perhaps when you first take up the sport, it is best to borrow or hire a set of the big headed version of the cast iron clubs, just until your accuracy with them gets to an okay level, then move to the medium sized heads. It's best not to buy until you can move to a type of club that you will be happy to use for a good long time.

    Swing time for shaft

    When considering the material the golf club's shaft should be made of, you need to take into account the golfer's swing speed. Steel shafts are ideal for someone with high swing speeds, as the heavier and more rigid shaft helps develop greater accuracy in play. For the low swing speed golfer, their shaft of choice should be a graphite one, which is usually longer, and lighter than their steel cousins, and are also more flexible.

    It's not all iron

    The golf clubs, although called irons, are not always made from iron. There are three types of metal that irons can be made of; iron, stainless steel, and titanium. Titanium is the most expensive, but being light and very strong it allows for a larger head, without the unwanted increase in weight that you would get with iron or stainless steel. This makes it an excellent choice for those new to the sport (large head = large sweet spot). Between stainless steel and iron heads, cast iron is the better choice.


    The person new to the sport of golf is best using irons made from titanium, with a large head (large sweet spot), and a shaft made from graphite. If not a titanium head, then the next best material will be cast iron.

    Once the golfer's swing speed increases, then they can move on to clubs with a steel shaft and forged iron heads, which will enable them to further improve their accuracy.

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    Monday, October 17, 2011

    AGCP Clubfitters Loft & Lie Adjustments

    AGCP Clubfitters Loft & Lie Adjustments On YouTube.

    See your local AGCP Clubfitter to get your lofts and lie Professionally adjusted to play better golf.

    Tags: Custom, Golf, Club, Makers, -, Loft, &, Lie

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    Sunday, October 16, 2011

    Golf Ball History

    Golf Ball History Video Clips.

    Interesting history of the Golf Ball.

    Keywords: Golf, Ball, Clubs, Courses, Putting, Drivers, Wedges

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    Saturday, October 15, 2011

    Wishon Golf - Custom Fit Golf Clubs vs. Standard Off the Rack

    Wishon Golf - Custom Fit Golf Clubs vs. Standard Off the Rack On YouTube.

    Keywords: Golf, Custom Golf Clubs, Wishon, TWGT, Custom Fit, Tom Wishon, Golf Club Fitting, Standard Made Clubs, Golf Clubs

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    Friday, October 14, 2011

    Eagle Eye Trick Shots 2 - Ping Pong

    Eagle Eye Trick Shots 2 - Ping Pong Video Clips.

    The new trick shot film by Eagle Eye Trick Shots is finally here and it is the second ping pong version. Thank you to arpman41 for making the intro. Go check out his channel and subscribe! The song is called "Survival" by Noisestorm. It includes shots with golf clubs, through windows, and even a shot out of a car. Comment, rate, and subscribe!

    Tags: eagle, eye, trick, shots, ping, pong, cuponk, beer, survival, noisestorm, golf, club, car, window, second, 2nd, two, Amazing, awesome, great, cool, cup, ball, in, miniminno1, arpman41, ryancsyou, dude, perfect

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    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Golf Course Etiquette : Proper Attire & Etiquette on the Golf Course

    Golf Course Etiquette : Proper Attire & Etiquette on the Golf Course Video Clips.

    Most golf courses have set rules about what type of attire and footwear can be worn by golfers on the course. Learn general guidelines for proper golf course attire and footwear in this free online instructional video. Expert: Rich Carr Bio: Rich Carr is the head golf professional at Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster, PA. He has been a teaching golf professional for seven years and is a member of the PGA. Filmmaker: David Cornman

    Tags: online, ball, golf, course, etiquette, manners, attire, clubs, greens, divots

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    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm

    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm

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    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm

    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm
    The Club Glove Last Bag XL Travel Bag is a premium extra large collapsible bag (11.2 lbs) accommodates nearly any tour golf bag and up to a 48" driver plus room for gear and golf accessories. XL is for extremely large tour bags and for the world traveler wanting to pack more gear and golf accessories. Made in USA. Limited lifetime warranty.The Club Glove Last Bag XL Travel Bag is completely manufactured in the U.S., with a Cordura exterior for maximum durability and extra-thick foam padding on the interior to protect your clubs. The Last Bag XL's high-impact wheel base, meanwhile, completely cradles and shields the bottom of the bag while offering inline skate wheels for quick transport. And thanks to the fully integrated two-piece handle, it's easy to lift the bag into a car trunk. Other details of the Club Glove Last Bag XL include two shoe pockets with individual shoe bags, YKK zippers, and ITW Nexus buckles. Large enough to accommodate golf clubs as long as 48 inches, the bag is available in such colors as black, navy, hunter green, khaki, burgundy, red, clay, blue, and more.

    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm

    • FREE Club Glove Stiff Arm Accessory with purchase!
    • Single piece burst proof construction made with InvistaTM Cordura® 1000 D water resistant nylon up to 3x stronger and lasts up to 5x longer than standard polyester.
    • Reliable and durable YKK® zippers and ITW Nexus® Buckles.
    • Over the top zipper for easy loading.
    • 2 exterior shoe/storage pockets with nylon shoe bags.

    Club Glove Last Bag XL (Extra Large) Golf Travel Cover with Free Stiff Arm

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 13, 2011 12:50:21 ***

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    Adam Scott: 2011 PGA Championship, Round 4

    Adam Scott: 2011 PGA Championship, Round 4 On YouTube.

    Adam Scott stops by for a chat after his fourth round at the 2011 PGA Championship.

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    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Different Golf Iron Styles -- Blade, Cavity Back, Hybrid

    Different Golf Iron Styles -- Blade, Cavity Back, Hybrid Video Clips. There are many different styles of irons to choose from depending on what standard you are at. Blade styles for the experienced advanced golfer. Cavity Back irons are the most popular and suit a wide standard. Hybrid golf iron sets are perfect for the new comer to the game who needs maximum forgiveness and control.

    Tags: Golf irons, Blade Irons, Cavity Back irons, Hybrid Iron set, Golf Clubs

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    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Arnie is # 2 Rule of Golf - Keep an eye on your soul

    Arnie is # 2 Rule of Golf - Keep an eye on your soul Video Clips.

    It 's fun and easy! This is Arnold Palmer's second rule of golf, keep an eye on your mood. Arnie has ten rules of golf etiquette, which only make sense. For Duffers.TV for all ten.

    Keywords: fun, Golf, crazy, stupid, rule, temper, arnold, palmer, usga, pga, Duffers.TV, Las, Vegas, Professional, etiquette, goofy, funny, outrageous, course, bang, throwing, clubs, into, water, lake

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    Sunday, October 9, 2011

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover

    Rate This Product :

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover
    Finally, WINNING EDGE cover attachments -- characters' eyes, noses, accessories -- are securely fastened to withstand golf cart motion and inclement weather, not to mention those infuriating missed putts.

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover

    • Winning Edge headcovers are as functional as they are fun.
    • Each headcover features a special anchoring system that insures a secure fit on all size clubs-including today's oversized drivers.
    • Each also has a soft, quality, sherpa-like lining, specifically tailored to protect clubs and putters from damage.
    • All items are made using only the finest custom-milled fabrics, in exciting, colors and materials.
    • Many of the minute details are the result of careful hand craftsmanship, lending each item a unique flair and distinctive personal touch.

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    Boris Golf Club Head Cover
    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 10, 2011 01:48:06 ***

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    Saturday, October 8, 2011

    Powerbilt Golf- Left-Handed ZR-4 Complete Golf Set with Bag

    Powerbilt Golf- Left-Handed ZR-4 Complete Golf Set with Bag

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    Powerbilt Golf- Left-Handed ZR-4 Complete Golf Set with Bag

    Powerbilt Golf- Left-Handed ZR-4 Complete Golf Set with Bag
    The Powerbilt ZR-4 Set features all of the technology you could imagine in a complete package built to improve your game! The woods feature a low, deep center of gravity to help launch your shots higher, with less spin for more distance. The driver features a forged Ti face for outstanding feel, while the woods are constructed of stainless steel for more pop. The hybrids in this set also feature the same Power-Bar weighting system as the fairway wood, which helps to resist twisting at impact to give you more accuracy. Large, oversized club heads on the irons have an extra large sweet-spot for solid, accurate shots that feel great!

  • Forged Ti Driver with low center of gravity and high MOI
  • Stainless steel fairway woods with Power-Bar weighting for stabilization
  • Hybrids to replace the hard-to-hit long irons
  • Over-sized irons with extra large sweet-spot
  • Mallet putter for accuracy on the greens
  • Matching stand-bag

  • Powerbilt Golf- Left-Handed ZR-4 Complete Golf Set with Bag

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 09, 2011 05:41:59 ***

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